Rowers 2 - Tonic Performance
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Rowers 2


Rowing machines are a great option if you are looking for a way to get a full-body workout. These machines provide a low-impact workout that can help tone your muscles and improve your endurance.

Rowing machines are relatively simple to use; simply adjust the seat to your comfort level and start rowing. You can also adjust the resistance level to increase or decrease the intensity of your workout.


How to Choose the Right Rowing Machine?

Your rowing experience is closely related to the machine you perform exercises on. We recommend considering several factors before purchasing a rowing machine.

Choose a machine with a comfortable seat and adjustable foot straps. You will spend several minutes rowing, so it’s best to have a rowing machine that fits your preferences and makes the rowing time pleasant.

Tonic Performance offers various types of rowing machines you can consider. Water rowers are known as the quietest rowing machines. They are also economical and require less space than the other rowers. However, water rowers need their water changed periodically, so if you want a rowing machine that requires minimum maintenance, you should opt for an air rower.


What to Consider While Purchasing a Rowing Machine:

  • Size
  • Type
  • Usability
  • Noise levels
  • Ease of maintenance
  • Resistance options
  • Comfortability of the seat
  • Adjustable foot straps
  • Brand

Benefits of Rowing Machines

Indoor rowing is a great way to get your heart rate up and burn calories. A rowing machine is low-impact, so it is easy on the joints and can be an excellent choice for those who struggle with workouts that cause pain or discomfort in other parts of their body!

A rowing machine targets both your upper and lower body. The resistance of a rowing machine helps you increase stamina and build endurance. As a type of resistance training, rowing strengthens and tones your major muscle groups.

Rowing machines are a great piece of cardio equipment to build your power and endurance. It will provide a full-body workout without putting stress on your joints. It’s is a great alternative to the treadmill and elliptical.

Rowing provides an effective full-body workout which is optimal for maximum calorie burn. Incorporating this type of workout 3-to 4 times per week has proven to decrease fat mass and body fat percentage.

Rowing targets many muscles including quadriceps, Calves, glutes, arms, abs, back, and chest.

Magnetic rowing machines are the quietest, followed by water rowers. Air rowers have been known to be the least quiet.

Depending on your fitness goals, the best weight loss results can be achieved by developing a consistent habit of rowing 4-6 times a week.

A beginner rowing workout is ideally anywhere between 5-20mins. You want to be sure that your form isn’t being compromised and that your heart rate is getting a bit of a boost. As is with any new fitness regime, we recommend that you progressively increase the length and intensity of your rowing workout as you become stronger and your endurance improves.

As a general rule of thumb, it’s recommended to exhale on the “work” portion of the movement (push/pull efforts). When rowing, you would focus on exhaling as you extend the legs and pull the handle toward your chest. Inhale as you return to the starting position.

Yes, rowers require regular maintenance. Frequency and maintenance recommendations vary depending on usage and the manufacturer’s guidance.

Rowing is a low-impact activity that will not put too much strain on joints which is ideal for individuals with arthritis.

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